Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hi Mrs.Hinojosa!
I feel that i  actually did very good on this first project. Of course it took us all a very long time to figure out what we were supposed to do and the whole class was lost, but as a individual I believe i did very good. For this being our first project and knowing absolutely nothing about how imac's work, i figured it out pretty good. I used a lot of color and used the right information I was supposed to use. I got 2 pictures without anybody's help and usually I have to ask someone to help me. So I believe I did great on this 1st project. Plus I posted it on time. I would give myself a 95 for my process journal. I think i would give myself a 100 for my newsletter cause I followed all the instructions. I managed my time very well in class. I think since I know more less how to use an imac computer now I will go much faster.

1 comment:

Astrid P said...

why did u tell me to leave you a comment?